Brute Force Attack Software Mac

Mac upgrade opened sshd to brute force password attacks

Brute Force Attack Software Mac Download

A couple of weeks ago, I read apostabout how the 'sealed system' on Big Sur was hurting people. I kind of skimmed through it and figured it was mostly complaining about the size of the download. For whatever reason, that hadn't been a problem for me and my machines, so I kind of wrote it off.

Brutezip v.0.12 A shell script which determines by brute force the best compression format (bzip2, gzip, Z, zip, etc.) and which compression level to use in order to archive a file the smallest. FileHashler v.0.1.0 Java based API and commandline utility for cross-platform file encryption and archivation (up to 2,1 GB). Brute Force Attack with Mask: It is more accurate than the normal brute force attack as it allows us to specify ranges and patterns to test much more precise techniques. Break ZIP file passwords ZIP files are files that are compressed using the algorithms of WinZIP, the popular data compression software. Hybrid brute force attacks are a combination of both traditional brute force attack and dictionary based attack. The idea behind a hybrid attack is that it will apply a brute force attack on the dictionary list. Using bruteforce attacks, an attacker could gain full access to the affected machine.

Last night, I applied the latest security patches to arrive at Big Sur version 11.2.3, and realized that I should have paid more attention to that thing. It explained something that I had been noticing for a while: my Apache config would keep reverting.

For a good number of years, I've been (foolishly, as it turns out) using the included Apache httpd to run small localhost-only stuff on my Mac laptop. In recent times, I found that every upgrade of the OS would revert my httpd.conf and it would need to be put back.

This was the status quo for a while, and I was considering writing a post on the topic along the lines of 'you might as well give up on using that included httpd, since anything you do to it will die regularly'. That was my thought on the topic until just a few minutes ago when I realized something else probably happened: it probably reverted my sshd config, too.

Why would it matter if the sshd config got reverted? Simple: it's because the stock Mac sshd install includes password-based auth, and that means someone can brute-force their way onto your machine if they can connect to it on port 22 for long enough.

The last time this came up, I wrote a dumb little checker script, and kept running it against my entire fleet of machines until they all checked clean. So, I ran it again just minutes ago, and son of a bitch, it's wide open yet again.

The resulting RAAR I let out got me to start this post. This, too, was something I wanted to write about eventually, but this forced the issue.

In the interest of helping people out, here is my terrible little script. It requires bash in /bin, netcat as 'nc' in your path, ssh (obviously), and timeout from GNU coreutils. In other words, it's intended to run on Linux and I haven't bothered to fine-tune it for other places yet, including a Mac.

If you are in fact on a GNU-ish setup, then here, you can just run this awful thing. Beware, you may not be able to unsee this disaster. You have been warned...

The way it works is suitably nasty, too: it assumes that ssh will block asking for a password, so it treats a 'hang' (timeout expiring) as a password prompt, meaning it accepts one of those two methods. Now, ssh will also block for long time if it tries to connect to a host that's down or otherwise is dropping packets from you, so the script does an awful 'will it accept a connection to me' check first with netcat.

See, I told you it was terrible.

If, however, you can't run this script, you can do your own checking by hand - just type this in and add in the hostname or IP address on the end. TYPE IT IN. Don't copy and paste. Leave off the last part.

ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=password,keyboard-interactive-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -ZZZZ_I_SAID_DONT_PASTE_THIS_IN

Don't just copy and paste this into your shell. TYPE IT IN... and leave off the -ZZZZ part. I put that there to catch people who paste straight into their shells from random web pages.

Brute force attack software mac download

I could have run some terrible JavaScript on this page that hijacked your copy mechanism and added something nasty. I mean, I probably didn't, but why would you trust me, or anyone else who has access to this page, server, or the Internet connections between you and it?

[Sidebar: seriously, go to one of these 'news' sites, go to copy a stretch from the page, and notice how your cursor goes a little wonky. That's them injecting something into the paste. When you go to paste it somewhere else, it will contain something you *did not* see on the page. Imagine if you ran that as a command. That's what I'm trying to teach you about here.]

Anyway, if you run that command manually and it asks for a password, guess what? You, too, can now be brute-forced.

Now what? How about locking it down? That seems like a good idea.

You have non-password-based logins to your sshd, right? .ssh/authorized_keys and all that stuff? If not, go do that first, or you will lock yourself out of the machine if you follow the rest of this post.

Another thing: if you are doing this remotely (!), for the love of all that is good and holy, have another root shell open and just chilling out in the corner in case you screw up the config, and don't close it until you have verified you can open a NEW connection and get all the way back to a root shell!


Assuming you have a non-password-based way into your machine at this point, then continue to turning off password-based auth.

Brute Force Attack Software Mac

First up, you have to edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config, find '# PasswordAuthentication yes', uncomment it, and flip it to no instead. Save the file. Due to a quirk of how the Mac starts sshd, it'll recognize it for the next connection - none of that 'sshd reload' stuff here. (Really. Don't try to poke launchctl or something. Learn from my mistakes.)

Run the check again and you will find that... it's still accepting password authentication. This is because there's a second path, and it happily falls back to that. You now have to look for 'UsePAM yes' and flip *that* to 'no' as well.

Save it out, run the check again, and you should find that it's fixed.

Congratulations, you have now stopped your Mac from being exploited by the army of ssh-scanning idiots on the Internet.

And, just remember, the next time your Mac does so much as a *point update* for security reasons, you get to do this all over again.

Brute force attack software machine


Notes on the script: you might've noticed I commented out where it says that a host is not listening on port 22. This is so you can run it against a whole whack of machines at once and not hear about the ones which aren't up.

Here's a really sad way of running it as a batch:

for i in $(seq 1 254); do ( ssh-check x.x.x.${i} & ); done

... you know, that kind of thing. Try it on your own network and despair at the probable state of your ssh daemon configs.

I'm sure there are better ways to scan for this. Feel free to use them and then you can bury my script in an appropriate place. I suggest the bottom of a cat box.

Author: Esheridan
Contributor(s): KirstenS, Paul McMillan, Raesene, Adedov, Dinis.Cruz, JoE, Daniel Waller, kingthorin

Blocking Brute Force Attacks

A common threat web developers face is a password-guessing attack known as a brute force attack.A brute-force attack is an attempt to discover a password by systematically trying every possible combination of letters, numbers, and symbols until you discover the one correct combination that works.If your web site requires user authentication, you are a good target for a brute-force attack.

An attacker can always discover a password through a brute-force attack, but the downside is that it could take years to find it.Depending on the password’s length and complexity, there could be trillions of possible combinations.

To speed things up a bit, a brute-force attack could start with dictionary words or slightly modified dictionary words because most people will use those rather than a completely random password. These attacks are called dictionary attacks or hybrid brute-force attacks.Brute-force attacks put user accounts at risk and flood your site with unnecessary traffic.

Hackers launch brute-force attacks using widely available tools that utilize wordlists and smart rulesets to intelligently and automatically guess user passwords. Although such attacks are easy to detect, they are not so easy to prevent.

For example, many HTTP brute-force tools can relay requests through a list of open proxy servers. Since each request appears to come from a different IP address, you cannot block these attacks simply by blocking the IP address.To further complicate things, some tools try a different username and password on each attempt, so you cannot lock out a single account for failed password attempts.

Locking Accounts

The most obvious way to block brute-force attacks is to simply lock out accounts after a defined number of incorrect password attempts.Account lockouts can last a specific duration, such as one hour, or the accounts could remain locked until manually unlocked by an administrator.

However, account lockout is not always the best solution, because someone could easily abuse the security measure and lock out hundreds of user accounts.In fact, some Web sites experience so many attacks that they are unable to enforce a lockout policy because they would constantly be unlocking customer accounts.

The problems with account lockouts are:

  • An attacker can cause a denial of service (DoS) by locking out large numbers of accounts.
  • Because you cannot lock out an account that does not exist, only valid account names will lock. An attacker could use this fact to harvest usernames from the site, depending on the error responses.
  • An attacker can cause a diversion by locking out many accounts and flooding the help desk with support calls.
  • An attacker can continuously lock out the same account, even seconds after an administrator unlocks it, effectively disabling the account.
  • Account lockout is ineffective against slow attacks that try only a few passwords every hour.
  • Account lockout is ineffective against attacks that try one password against a large list of usernames.
  • Account lockout is ineffective if the attacker is using a username/password combo list and guesses correctly on the first couple of attempts.
  • Powerful accounts such as administrator accounts often bypass lockout policy, but these are the most desirable accounts to attack. Some systems lock out administrator accounts only on network-based logins.
  • Even once you lock out an account, the attack may continue, consuming valuable human and computer resources.

Account lockout is sometimes effective, but only in controlled environments or in cases where the risk is so great that even continuous DoS attacks are preferable to account compromise.In most cases, however, account lockout is insufficient for stopping brute-force attacks.

Consider, for example, an auction site on which several bidders are fighting over the same item.If the auction Web site enforced account lockouts, one bidder could simply lock the others’ accounts in the last minute of the auction, preventing them from submitting any winning bids.An attacker could use the same technique to block critical financial transactions or e-mail communications.

Device Cookies

You may also consider locking out authentication attempts from known and unknown browsers or devices separately.The Slow Down Online Guessing Attacks with Device Cookies article proposes protocol for lockout mechanism based on information about if specific browser have been already used for successful login.The protocol is less susceptible to DoS attacks than plain account locking out and yet effective and easy to implement.

Finding Other Countermeasures

As described, account lockouts are usually not a practical solution, but there are other tricks to deal with brute force attacks.First, since the success of the attack is dependent on time, an easy solution is to inject random pauses when checking a password.Adding even a few seconds’ pause can greatly slow a brute-force attack but will not bother most legitimate users as they log in to their accounts.

Note that although adding a delay could slow a single-threaded attack, it is less effective if the attacker sends multiple simultaneous authentication requests.

Another solution is to lock out an IP address with multiple failed logins.The problem with this solution is that you could inadvertently block large groups of users by blocking a proxy server used by an ISP or large company.Another problem is that many tools utilize proxy lists and send only a few requests from each IP address before moving on to the next.

Using widely available open proxy lists, an attacker could easily circumvent any IP blocking mechanism.Because most sites do not block after just one failed password, an attacker can use two or three attempts per proxy.An attacker with a list of 1,000 proxies can attempt 2,000 or 3,000 passwords without being blocked.

Nevertheless, despite this method’s weaknesses, Web sites that experience high numbers of attacks (adult Web sites in particular) do choose to block proxy IP addresses.

One simple yet surprisingly effective solution is to design your Website not to use predictable behavior for failed passwords.For example, most Web sites return an “HTTP 401 error” code with a password failure, although some web sites instead return an “HTTP 200 SUCCESS” code but direct the user to a page explaining the failed password attempt.This fools some automated systems, but it is also easy to circumvent.

A better solution might be to vary the behavior enough to eventually discourage all but the most dedicated hackers.You could, for example, use different error messages each time or sometimes let a user through to a page and then prompt them again for a password.

Some automated brute-force tools allow the attacker to set certain trigger strings to look for that indicate a failed password attempt.For example, if the resulting page contains the phrase “Bad username or password,” the tool would know the credentials failed and would try the next in the list.A simple way to fool these tools is to include also those phrases as comments in the HTML source of the page they get when they successfully authenticate.

After one or two failed login attempts, you may want to prompt the user not only for the username and password but also to answer a secret question.This not only causes problems with automated attacks, it prevents an attacker from gaining access, even if they do get the username and password correct.

You could also detect high numbers of attacks system-wide and under those conditions prompt all users for the answer to their secret questions.

Other techniques you might want to consider are:

  • For advanced users who want to protect their accounts from attack, give them the option to allow login only from certain IP addresses.
  • Assign unique login URLs to blocks of users so that not all users can access the site from the same URL.
  • Use a CAPTCHA to prevent automated attacks
  • Instead of completely locking out an account, place it in a lockdown mode with limited capabilities.

Attackers can often circumvent many of these techniques by themselves, but by combining several techniques, you can significantly limit brute-force attacks.It might be difficult to stop an attacker who is determined to obtain a password specifically from your web site, but these techniques certainly can be effective against many attacks, including those from novice hackers.These techniques also require more work on the attacker’s part, which gives you more opportunity to detect the attack and maybe even identify the attacker.

Although brute-force attacks are difficult to stop completely, they are easy to detect because each failed login attempt records an HTTP 401 status code in your Web server logs.It is important to monitor your logfiles for brute-force attacks – in particular, the intermingled 200 statuscodes that mean the attacker found a valid password.

Here are conditions that could indicate a brute-force attack or other account abuse:

  • Many failed logins from the same IP address
  • Logins with multiple usernames from the same IP address
  • Logins for a single account coming from many different IP addresses
  • Excessive usage and bandwidth consumption from a single use
  • Failed login attempts from alphabetically sequential usernames or passwords
  • Logins with a referring URL of someone’s mail or IRC client
  • Referring URLs that contain the username and password in the format <http://user:[email protected]/login.htm>
  • If protecting an adult Web site, referring URLs of known password-sharing sites
  • Logins with suspicious passwords hackers commonly use, such as ownsyou (ownzyou), washere (wazhere), zealots, hacksyou, and the like

Brute force attacks are surprisingly difficult to stop completely, but with careful design and multiple countermeasures, you can limit your exposure to these attacks.

Ultimately, the only best defense is to make sure that users follow basic rules for strong passwords: use long unpredictable passwords, avoid dictionary words, avoid reusing passwords, and change passwords regularly.

A completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart, or CAPTCHA, is a program that allows you to distinguish between humans and computers.First widely used by Alta Vista to prevent automated search submissions, CAPTCHAs are particularly effective in stopping any kind of automated abuse, including brute-force attacks.

They work by presenting some test that is easy for humans to pass but difficult for computers to pass; therefore, they can conclude with some certainty whether there is a human on the other end.

For a CAPTCHA to be effective, humans must be able to answer the test correctly as close to 100 percent of the time as possible.Computers must fail as close to 100 percent of the time as possible.Researchers at Carnegie Mellon’s School of Computer Science continually work to improve and introduce new CAPTCHAs.

If you are developing your own CAPTCHA, keep in mind that it is not how hard the question is that matters-it is how likely it is that a computer will get the correct answer.I once saw a CAPTCHA that presents the user with a picture of three zebras, with a multiple-choice question asking how many zebras were in the picture.To answer the question, you click one of three buttons.

Although it would be very difficult for a computer program to both understand the question and interpret the picture, the program could just randomly guess any answer and get it correct a third of the time. Although this might seem a satisfactory level of risk, it is by no means an effective CAPTCHA.If you run a free e-mail service and use a CAPTCHA such as this to prevent spammers from creating accounts in bulk, all they have to do is write a script to automatically create 1,000 accounts and expect on average that 333 of those attempts will be successful.

Nevertheless, a simple CAPTCHA may still be effective against brute-force attacks.When you combine the chance of an attacker sending a correct username and password guess with the chance of guessing the CAPTCHA correctly, combined with other techniques described in this chapter, even a simple CAPTCHA could prove effective.

Figure 1: Password Authentication Delay: C#

Figure 2: Password Authentication Delay: VB.NET